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We are looking for (F)irst (A)ssessors of (T)echnology and (E)ngagement. Which means FATE must have brought you here!

On the 25th of April ’24, Artificial Intelligence will make its debut in the ManualMaster Trevally software. Ticking a box in settings turns this on or off. When turned on the system will introduce the “sandbox”. Selecting multiple documents or dragging and dropping them into the sandbox will start the process and the software will prepare them for import by intelligently detecting logic within the documents. Then it will ask to verify whether the selected logic  is correct and you can then decide to promote them to the existing system.

The entire process runs locally, without interference by third parties. This way you can rest assured that the data remains on premise and does not get shared with anyone outside of your organization. It is important to note that our AI functionality is an optional tool that can assist in the document management workflow, it does not under any circumstances make decisions on its own.

This leads us to FATE. If you are interested in collaborating with us and four other system administrators from different organizations to help us improve and expand our AI functionalities we would be thrilled to have you on board! We are looking for a total of five candidates who are willing to share their ideas and periodically engage in conversations on how to improve. If this is you please let us know by sending an email with your motivation to, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

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