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Tips, Announcements, Blogs, Reports and Online Sessions

20 June 2024

ManualMaster MasterClass: The Value of Process Management Explained

Procesmanagement, wat behelst het en waar moet het aan voldoen? Joop van Baal van GO Company legde het de studenten van de ManualMaster Academy haarfijn uit tijdens onze online Masterclass Procesmanagement.
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20 June 2024

ManualMaster Trevally Spring Release Events: “Learn from Each Other”

Op 28 september 2023 zijn wij met een veertigtal enthousiaste ManualMaster gebruikers uit de zorg en verwante sectoren het gesprek aangegaan tijdens het Quality Event Zorgsector in het prachtige Kasteel Woerden. Onderwerpen als implementatie en gedragsverandering, maar ook praktische overwegingen over de inzet van software bij risicomanagement, kwamen aan bod.
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12 March 2024

Experience Necessary for Risk-Driven Auditing

Risk-driven auditing, is it necessary? If so, how do you tackle it? During our online MasterClass, nearly 50 auditors were questioned and prompted to think about this. They found out how to manage risks in their organization and how this leads to process optimisation. Their knowledge and experience with audit processes were taken to a higher level.
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12 March 2024


On the 25th of April ’24, Artificial Intelligence will make its debut in the ManualMaster Trevally software. The tool provides support in the process of uploading documents, making it more efficient and easier. Are you interested in the functionality and would you like to brainstorm with us about AI developments at ManualMaster? This means FATE brought you here, as we are looking for (F)irst (A)ssessors of (T)echnology and (E)ngagement!
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