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The next generation quality management software

Trevally: software by ManualMaster

The “Bigeye Trevally” is a fish that lives in large schools in tropical waters. The individuals in such a school move dynamically, aware of each other’s movements, purposefully and often at great speed through the water. To us, the Trevallies symbolize the change in speed and direction that teams are able to achieve by being aware of each other.

Flexibility and grip

Every organization is aware of the need to follow the wishes and requirements of the market or the social area in which they operate. This does however, influence the way things are organized internally.
But how to ensure that all the measures you take and all the agreements made are strict and can, at the same time, be easily adapted to changing circumstances?

Everyday dynamics

We do this by providing each colleague with the right information at the right time and in the right place. This way, a team is able to maneuver through everyday  dynamics and to choose the right speed and direction based on the latest developments and agreements made.

And how to support that? With a document management system that can follow that movement and at the same time continues to adhere to possible strict rules regarding it: Trevally, software by ManualMaster.

Into action

Explore the way Trevally can support your organization’s quality management system, how to deal with the improvement cycle, audits, complaints and location-related documents. Experience how easy it is to use and how effortless it is to find the right information at the right time. Take comfort in the knowledge that you’re working with a rock-solid version control system with an extensive document cycle and audit trail. Learn how to easily compare document versions and have insight in who performed what action and when.

Discover the why

How to learn from one’s own documents, how to build a workflow around one’s own unique fillable forms and how to ensure that all those procedures, processes, work instructions and forms end up in the right place with the right person at the right time? Meet ManualMaster Trevally.

Schedule your online introduction now
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