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ManualMaster MasterClass: The Value of Process Management Explained

What is Process Management and what should it entail? Joop van Baal from GO Company thoroughly explained process management to the students of the ManualMaster Academy during our online MasterClass on Process Management.

Richly Filled Knowledge Session

The webinar had a practical approach: participants can immediately apply the knowledge gained within their organizations. Academy students asked Joop questions and supplemented the context with their own experiences, sharing how they have structured their processes.

Why Process Management?

Joop guided his students through the steps a quality manager can take with process management. “It’s important to first answer why you want to document a process and consider how to ensure a process becomes the standard within your organization.”

During the interactive MasterClass, participants reflected on what documenting a process reveals about themselves, what is going well in their processes, and where there is room for improvement.

The Five V Method

GO Company developed the Five V method, which quality specialists can use to structure, follow, and check their process management:

  • Document (Vastleggen)
  • Enrich (Verrijken)
  • Distribute (Verspreiden)
  • Anchor (Verankeren)
  • Improve (Verbeteren)

Each step of this method was explained, along with the condition for success: a suitable corporate culture. GO Company examines this through the lens of the GO Circle. What does this entail? Clear agreements, measurable successes, appropriate leaders, and dedicated employees.

Effectiveness and Efficiency

Two concepts play a central role in process management: effectiveness (goal-oriented) and efficiency (the method used).

Joop: “In process management, documenting effectiveness is always the first step. You must know what end result you want to achieve.” It is important to inventory the needs underlying the new process structure. “Then follows the second step: how do you achieve that result?”

Documenting Roles

Following this, the roles within process management are documented and defined. The chain owner, process owner, manager, facilitator; who plays a role, what does it entail, and what responsibilities come with it? Joop: “Everyone plays a role in creating support for the processes. The question must be answered as to what is needed to involve employees in the ever-changing processes they encounter.”

The Value of Process Management

What do organizations ultimately gain from documenting processes? Joop lists several values:

  • Insight into what, where, when, how, and why an action takes place;
  • Stability and uniformity in an organization;
  • Control of change and improvement in a company.

Valuable Insights

The MasterClass highlighted the practical challenges quality staff face in executing their process management, providing valuable insights from which participants can learn. The understanding that documenting and managing processes is an ongoing endeavor serves as inspiration and motivation.

Participants of the MasterClass on Process Management can rewatch the recording on the Customer or Academy portal.

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