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Transport and Logistics

Boekestijn Transport Service

By 16 May 2024July 2nd, 2024No Comments

Boekestijn Controls Growth Process and Quality with Trevally

With the acquisition of no less than 500 new trucks, Boekestijn Transport Service faced a new challenge overnight. The mega order also brought with it a slew of new employees and customers. The transport company’s growth spurt suddenly made onboarding the trucks extremely important. “We must be able to ensure that we can guarantee the right quality to our customers,” says QA/CI Manager Giano Koskamp.

This led Giano to develop the complete onboarding process of the new trucks using ManualMaster Trevally. Procedures were reviewed and updated, and processes were made more efficient to get the trucks on the road as quickly as possible. “We didn’t want to be performing various tasks afterward, such as installing equipment or applying vehicle decals,” says Giano.

Keeping Documents Up-to-Date

Managing such a growth process smoothly is only possible if you have control over the various processes and quality within an organization. Giano: “Trevally helps us maintain an overview. The software forms the basis for our innovation and improvements and lays the foundation for the quality expected of us. With Document Management, we ensure our documents remain up-to-date. During our growth spurt, this was very important. New branches were opened, and new employees started. Everyone needed to have the right documents at hand. Trevally has greatly helped us with that. Manuals and process descriptions with work instructions are included and managed in the system.”

Integrating Sustainability into Processes

In the background, Trevally also plays a role in integrating sustainability into the transport company. Sustainability is a high priority for Boekestijn. The purchase of electric trucks is an example of this. Giano: “We don’t have a specific process for sustainability, but we weave sustainability into our processes. Policy documents related to sustainability are added to Trevally to inform colleagues about new documentation.”

Giano Koskamp

Giano Koskamp

About Boekestijn Transport Service

 Main activity Trucking Service and High Value Transport
 Using Trevally since 2019
 Uses Trevally for  Document management, Web Forms, Risk Management

Fully electric truck Boekestijn – sustainability first

Registration and Follow-Up of Reports

The QM department at Boekestijn works with so-called Noticeforms, reporting forms for non-conformities. They are designed in Trevally with the WebForms module. Giano: “The Noticeforms help us register and follow up on reports and set actions that need to be taken. The use of the forms varies by country where we operate. We work with different systems to report and follow up on incidents. The Trevally forms are simple in design to keep the usage threshold as low as possible.”

Flexibility in Form Design

Boekestijn uses various quality, audit, and operational forms to standardize processes between sales and operations. Giano: “It’s great working with WebForms. It helps that I know my way around a computer. Not everyone can create web forms. There is a logic behind it that you need to understand. You can do anything with the module. There are no limitations. For me, it is important to have the freedom to design forms.”

Improving Quality with Input from Web Forms

WebForms helps Boekestijn gain insight into what is happening in the organization and what actions are outstanding to achieve a structured resolution of incidents. Led by Giano, the international QM team meets quarterly to discuss the data generated by the forms. Giano: “We inventory and analyze incidents and the actions taken. From that, we draw our conclusions. This results in a management review. The output of the reporting and audit forms is included. It provides valuable input that allows us to improve quality in the organization.

Dashboard made with Trevally

Inventory and Integration of Process Risks with Risk Management

With the Risk Management module, Boekestijn’s quality department inventories and manages process risks that can affect quality. Giano: “We check the measures taken against risks and their effectiveness. Managing risks is integrated into web forms. The risks range from late payment of an invoice to the danger a driver faces when transporting high-value goods. We have assessed the risks per department. Making the topic of risks discussable across the organization has paid off.”

Documentation and Securing of Technical Processes

The implementation of Trevally had its ups and downs. The plan to process the financial administration with it stalled. Giano: “Not because of the application itself, but due to the complex international regulations, processes were difficult to standardize. The documentation and securing of technical processes such as planning, asset management, and claims posed no problem. Thanks to Trevally, we work internationally in a uniform environment.”

Navigation overview

Control Over Departments and Processes

With Trevally’s Read & Understand functionality, Boekestijn users become familiar with the system. New employees receive an email via Trevally upon joining with the message that actions are ready for them. Giano: “Initially, the system met with resistance from users. ‘Another new system,’ they said. Now everyone sees its value, especially the managers. They have more control over their departments. They know exactly what the processes are and how they flow. Plus, the onboarding of personnel goes much smoother. With Trevally, we are quicker to deliver the quality needed.”

Steering the Mindset of Users

“We call ourselves the Faster & Better department. Every day we try to do everything better and faster. It’s about the experience of quality. That means steering the mindset of employees and highlighting the benefits of working with the application. Departments sometimes continue to struggle with a problem. If they keep it to themselves, the problem becomes a given. Reporting a problem means taking an extra step, involving others, and explaining the problem again. But once it is solved, the appreciation is great. Once colleagues realize this, more reports follow naturally.”

Managing Customer Satisfaction

Suppose you had one day to act as director of ManualMaster. What would you change?

“I would focus more on the behavioral aspect of users. Trevally is a technical system. To achieve real changes, you need to influence people’s behavior to better ensure quality. The goal of quality is managing customer satisfaction. This process is driven by the people who execute it. You can document things in process descriptions, and Trevally handles that well, but then the processes need to be executed. To make that more effective, you need to focus on people’s attitudes and behaviors. It would be great if Trevally could facilitate this even more.”

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