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Tips, Announcements, Blogs, Reports and Online Sessions

8 June 2022

How Het Waterlaboratorium got a better grip on quality management

Het Waterlaboratorium wanted to get a better grip on quality management. Quality manager Paulien de Bruine-Mulder was looking for a digital workflow for the complaints system that required good document assurance. She ended up at ManualMaster.
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MasterClass ManuaMaster
18 May 2022

MasterClass Writing Sound Quality Documents – ‘Helped a lot’

'Writing Sound Quality Documents', the first MasterClass of our ManualMaster Academy, was attended by over 50 quality experts. The many reactions are telling and enthusiastic: 'The webinar helped us a lot in removing complicated texts out of our system' and 'Worth doing again'.
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13 May 2022

2.17 release functionalities

Last week we released ManualMaster version 2.17. It is mainly a technical update with improvements behind the scenes. Therefore, our manager of development Hugo Bakker will walk us through the changes that you might have missed or haven’t implemented yet since the previous release.
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17 March 2022

The Opportunities Behind the Risks

“Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.” Although these words by Warren Buffett originated in the investment world, it is also extremely relevant for a safe and high-quality business.
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beeld onderweg naar koninklijk
10 February 2022

Next Stop: Our 100th Anniversary!

ManualMaster is celebrating its thirtieth birthday today. On the way to Koninklijk we still have quite a path ahead of us and that is exactly what we like and how we think.
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23 December 2021

ManualMaster Achieves ISO 27001 Certification!

Recently ManualMaster successfully passed the audit for ISO 27001 certification (the globally recognized standard for information security). Obtaining the ISO 27001 certificate is a great achievement, of which we are quite proud.
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